Instrumentation / Smart Sensors
Instrumentation today is an integral and necessary part of almost any production. With the help of them, the control of various technological processes is carried out, the properties, qualities and parameters of products are evaluated. There is no such field of technology in which measuring devices are not used. There is a constant improvement and development of means and methods of measurement in the modern world. It is customary to distinguish according to the principle of operation of comparison devices, integrating, summing, direct action. For example, angular and linear measurements are carried out using indicating instruments with direct action, which allow the reading of the required readings. Control and measuring devices are a wide range of various equipment, tools, devices, from technically complex to the simplest. There are many different classifications, the study of which requires a lot of time.Vendor neutral approach enables clients to use best-in-class components without compromising on the overall cohesion and optimization of their system.